
13 July 2008

Battambang caves 7 - Kpg Poi lake area 2008

We went to Kampong Poi dam and turned right and followed the lake, turning left at the end, and going to the wat at the foot of the hill, For 2 hot and sweaty days, 2 monks took us to caves.

broken exhaust
drink for cavers!!



rock shelter cave


interesting formation

Naga steps
Some of the caves had trees or just poles which the locals used to get down and up. Needless to say none of us cavers dared to do this.

how to descend

coming up again
 In Buddha Cave, young monks watched us -



village shop

On the second day we saw many entances but most of them were shafts so we couldn't enter. This shaft is 10 m deep -

one man down

2 men down

3 men down

4 men down

all inside


going back up
Next shaft -

monk uses this tree to climb down

this one uses an old branch

coming back up

 Calcite that has been collected -

The lake was built by the Khmer Rouge and is now used to irrigate the rice fields -

someone's lunch

lotus heads

irrigation canal

There are 6 more albums on the Battambang caves and 1 on cave fauna
Caves 1 phnom sampeu and Caves 2 Sdao area and Caves 3 crocodile hill area , and Caves 4 kampong poi area and Caves 5 phnom kdaong and Caves 6 Banan area and also Cambodia cave fauna .
© Liz Price
No reproduction without permission


  1. Liz, Cambodian also called village as "kampong"?

  2. No, in Khmer language, Kampong means port or a place for washing by the river, so it doesn't mean village as it does in Malay.
