
11 November 2011

Cave deities that like alcohol

A friend made a comment about drinking beer in a cave temple.

That inspired me to look through my photos to find some 'beer gods'. These photos show that the gods like their booze as much as humans!

I don't know who the deities are. The photos were taken in different cave temples around Ipoh.

These deities likes Guinness. The cave temple is Loong Tow Ngam, Gunung Lang, Perak.

In a temple near Kek Look Tong in Perak, this deity has bottles of brandy
I was told this is a "hell spirit" He will accompany those who pass away on the journey of hell according to traditional Chinese belief.

Another friend told me "Offerings of spirits and Guinness (Or Gau in Hokkien) is testimonial to the breath of Chinese culture and its magnanimous accommodation of diversity. On the altar, the bottles of brandy is one level below Buddha and at the same level with a Daoist deity and buddhist lo han. It seems a perfect reflection of the Chinese culture: a mutation of Buddhism, Daoism and Confucionism."

At Nam Loong Ngam at Gng Layang Layang - another Guinness god

Tung Wah Tong at Gng Layang Layang -

At a cave temple at Gunung Ginting in Perak :
Prosperity God

© Liz Price
No reproduction without permission


  1. where is that temple's locaion?
  2. that one who offer brandy is "hell spirit" He will accompany those who pass away to the journey of hell according to traditional chinese believes
  3. Most of the photos show actually are spirit not god.
  4. Loong Tow Ngam is at Gunung Lang.
    The brandy god is in a small temple near Kek Look Tong at Gunung Rapat.
    Tung Wah is at Gng Layang Layang.
  5. Thanks for the info, I was hoping someone would know.
  6. Offerings of spirits and Guiness (Or Gau in Hokkien) is testimonial to the breath of Chinese culture and its magnanimous accommodation of diversity. On the altar, the bottles of brandy is one level below Buddha and at the same level with a Daoist deity and buddhist lo han - not the wayward actress. It seems a perfect reflection of the Chinese culture: a mutation of Buddhism, Daoism and Confucionism. Better not to confuse deity with spirit?
  7. Thanks for the info. I will look out for other cave deities who drink!!!
  8. Interesting that a mat salleh is praying as per Chinese home/folk religion. Just don't fool around for precaution sake. Good intention will have good blessing. As for the guiness stout - maybe the temple caretaker is a happy man.

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