
27 August 2011

Battambang caves 5 - Phnom Kdaong

There are several limestone hills in the Battambang area of Cambodia. The most famous hill is Phnom Sampeu, where the "killing caves" are located.

Phnom Kdaong is the hill immediately to the south of Sampeu. When driving from Battambang you turn left just before Sampeu.

On the east side we had to climb a long flight of steps to reach the small caves. The first cave, Laang Kess has brightly painted statues
apsara on stal

Spot the non Buddha!

For some reason there is an old toilet in a side passage

The next cave had a tree growing over the entrance
and there were some human bones in a side chamber

We continued up the stairs and there were some beatiful frangipangi

The next Buddha had a small cicak on his hand

This tree is well protected by thorns
The cave at the top of the hill, Laang Tabalkan, was really small, and there were some baby squirrels outside, which presumably had been abandoned by mum and were dying
When we got back down the hil the children greeted us with smiles

After lunch we drove to the quarry on the other side of Phnom Kdaong, opposite Sampeu. Some boys led us and we walked to one cavity which was 9m long,
then to a long rock-shelter

© Liz Price
No reproduction without permission

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