
26 February 2008

photos of the Perak tin dredge

                                                         walking onto the dredge

As far as I know there are only 3 dredges remaining in Malaysia *. Malaysia used to be one of the world's largest producers of tin. This dredge is at Chenderong, near Tanjong Tualang, in Perak. I've seen the dredge from the outside several times over the years, the first time the lake was as the miners left it, and the next time the embankments had been made around the dredge. In Feb 2008 the dredge opened to the public for tours, so I was able to get on the dredge.

I haven't written any detail about the methods of working, but you can see a bit more on dredging up the past.

I first visited this dredge in 1997.
For other photos of tin, see tin mining relics and also the tin dredge at Dengkil Selangor.

* It appears that one of the dredges in Selangor has gone (2010) so now there is 1 in Selangor (soon to be sold and exported) and the one in Perak.
© Liz Price
No reproduction without permission


  1. I've seen one somewhere in Selangor before long time ago......

  2. The tin and rubber industries collapse after a Malaysian superman came back from Britain. It is a vivid memorary of the news paper .. can't remember the detail. Perhaps you can make a research.

  3. >I've seen one somewhere in Selangor before long time ago......
    Yes there are still 2 in Selangor, both near KLIA and you can clearly see them as the planes take off. They are also near PutraJaya area.

  4. Everytime I fly I take photos of the dredges but they are never good. In fact I took another photo last week, as I flew to Krabi,

  5. replylightlingmk2 - who is this Malaysian superman ?

  6. hello there, i am currently doing a research on this TT5 dredge.. Is it possible if you send me more informations and photos regarding this tin dredge via my email ( ?..
    Thanks in advance,

  7. Hello, my name is vincent. I am researching for a book on tin mines. I would like to contact people who worked in a dredge or someone whose parents or relatives worked in one. I would like to interview them. I live in Kl area. my email is Thanks

  8. Hello, I will pass your message to some people. Are you Malaysian? Have you made contact with miners in Selangor or Perak?

  9. Hi, thanks for the reply. Yes, I am a Malaysian. Live in Rawang. I grew up at Kuang which in the 50s, had a rail track to Bt Arang. I am a retired railwayman and wrote a story of life in the railways titled: walk along the tracks [isbn 978-967-5766-00-8]. That childhood growing up area had tin mines, rubber estates, coalfield and paddy fields. Would like to combine all these themes in one book. Hence the reason for looking around for people [or their dependants] from that background. Have not had much success trying to get in touch with people of that background. If you know someone from here, would appreciate a note. My number is 019 3127394. Thanks again.
